Beautiful pics of Uma Thurman and Vanessa Bayer feet & legs

Uma Karuna Thurman has been acting for more than twenty years. She's appeared in many films that range from romances, dramas, through science fiction and action films. Thurman was featured for Dangerous Liaisons after her covers of British Vogue for December 1985 and May 1986. Thurman was raised with a Buddhist education, and lived for two years at Almora, a town in the Northern-Indian state of Uttarakhand. Uma Thurman had her son Levon to be her partner on her Cannes Film Festival 2023 opening night. When she was 16 years young, Thurman quit school and set out to pursue the acting profession. She made her debut as an actress in 1987's "Kiss Daddy Goodnight" which was a budget film in which she portrayed a seductress, who is able to lure men into traps with sex promises but then they drug them and then rob them of the. Vanessa Polster Bayer was born in America. She is an actress also a writer, comedian and actor. Bayer was a well-known participant in the NBC Sketch Comedy Show Saturday Night Live in 2010-2017, for which she earned an Emmy nomination. Vanessa Polster Bayer, born 14th November 1980, is a famous American comedian, performer author, comic, and writer.

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